Good & Evil

Today’s reading is Hebrews 5.

Our author drops a bomb in Hebrews 5:11-14. He reaches all the way back to the very first sin. The one in which Eve, instead of taking from the tree of life decides to take from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Our author is saying if these Hebrew Christians go back to the Law and abandon Jesus, they are not simply walking in the footsteps of their fathers in the wilderness. They are walking in the footsteps of their mother in the garden.

They have become dull of hearing. No doubt, dull hearing and hard hearts go together. The evil hearts of unbelief in Hebrews 3:12 come from ears dulled by the deceitfulness and lies of sin. Eve knew God’s Word. She knew what He had said regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She was not allowed to eat from it. But then the serpent of old lied. “You won’t die. You’ll know good and evil like God does.” She had taught the serpent truth about the trees in the garden. However, with just a few simple questions, Satan dulled her hearing and hardened her heart. She no longer believed. She took from the forbidden tree and ate thinking by eating she would gain the wisdom to know, distinguish, discern good and evil. Instead, she lost access to the tree of life and was thrown from the garden.

I do not think it is simply coincidence our author uses eating as his metaphor while he calls to mind the sin of Eve and Adam from the garden. Today, we must ask which tree we will choose. Will we listen to the Son’s message or go our own way. Frankly, this hits at the heart of what trying to be saved by the Law is all about. Pursuing salvation through the Law is actually pursuing salvation through our own strength. The whole purpose behind the Law was not to show us a means of salvation but to show us that was no means of salvation. Eve wanted wisdom on her own terms. Adam caved to her pressure. They didn’t gain true wisdom. Instead, they gained death.

Our author’s original audience was being handed fruit from the wrong tree by those who told them the Law really was the means to salvation. Some of them were swallowing those lies. Shockingly, the cross really is the tree of life. We must eat the fruit from it and only from it. Salvation comes from no other source. Let us not be dulled in our hearing, but grow to the maturity of proclaiming this truth to others.

Today’s reading is Hebrews 6.


Click here to take about 15 minutes to listen to the Text Talk conversation between Andrew Roberts and Edwin Crozier sparked by this post.

Discuss the Following Questions with Your Family

  1. What are your initial reactions to the chapter and the written devo above?
  2. Through what means does our enemy attempt to dull our hearing of God’s Word and will?
  3. How can we fight against dull hearing?
  4. How can we train to discern between good and evil?
  5. What do you think we should pray for and about in light of this chapter and today’s post?

Keep Reading

Today’s reading is 2 Timothy 3.

I just want you to know how glad I am that you take part in this daily devotion and Bible reading plan. Truly, there is almost nothing you can do that is more important than being in God’s Word on a regular, even daily basis. In our modern world, we often look for new and sophisticated ways to improve and grow. But the reality is: the number one way for us to grow is simply to be in the sacred, holy writings of God. They will teach you. They will reprove you. They will correct you. They will train you in righteousness. They will provide all you need to make you complete, equipped for every good work. I’m so glad you’re reading today. May I encourage you to keep reading no matter what. And if you miss some days or weeks or however long, don’t beat yourself up. Just pick it back up and read again.

Tomorrow’s reading is 2 Timothy 4.

Continue reading “Keep Reading”

Discipline is Hard

Today’s reading is Hebrews 12.

I want life to be easy. But where would an easy life lead? If every day were a walk in the park, would I understand how much I need God? Would I figure out how messed up I am in my heart and mind? Enter discipline. Doing whatever I want without facing consequences is fun and easy, but eventually it is destructive. Discipline is hard and painful. I don’t like it. But God puts me through it in the hope of saving my very soul. I often wish there was an easier softer way for me to grow, but I’ve come to realize I’m pretty dense and thick-headed. If God is going to get my attention, He has to get my attention where it hurts. I can cry, whine, moan, rebel, but God’s painful discipline is what trains me and gives me life. Who knew that discipline itself is really the grace of God? Let’s thank God for His discipline today.

Monday’s reading is Hebrews 13.

Continue reading “Discipline is Hard”

I Think I Can

Today’s reading is Matthew 17.

Sadly, more Americans base their lives on “The Little Engine that Could,” than on Jesus Christ. You know the story. The little train engine started up the hill and slid back down and tried again and again. Finally, as it started up for a final attempt, it repeated to itself, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…” and finally did. And now another generation knows that success comes from believing in ourselves. I’m sure there are some aspects of life where that really does work. However, it won’t work for spiritual success. When the apostles couldn’t cast out the demon, Jesus wasn’t telling them, “If you just believe in yourselves more.” He was telling them, “If you believe in Me.” When we are climbing up the spiritual hill, repeating “I think I can, I think I can” will only lead to failure. We can’t. If we could, Jesus wouldn’t have needed to die and God wouldn’t have needed to send the Holy Spirit. Rather, we need to declare again and again, “I know Jesus will; I know Jesus will.” Then take another step in the faith that Jesus will give us the strength to take that step and then another and then another. And in those moments when the enemy knocks us down and tries to convince us we can’t, get back up and repeat, “I know Jesus will; I know Jesus will.”

Tomorrow’s reading is Matthew 18.

Continue reading “I Think I Can”