Psalm 86: Teach Me Your Way

Today’s reading is Psalm 86.

What’s your goal?

Many people come to God simply because they want to go to heaven. They are not actually very interested in God. They will get baptized today and hope God lets them in heaven. But between now and then, they really wish God would just kind of let them go their own way. They just want the reward He is offering. These get in a kind of bartering religion. They just want to know which bits God will require to allow them into heaven. The rest, they aren’t going to worry about.

That’s actually not how it works. In fact, I think even the strictest people taking this approach likely won’t be in heaven.

Notice David’s goal in Psalm 86:11:

Teach me your way, O LORD,
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name (ESV).

David doesn’t simply want rescue, deliverance, and salvation. He doesn’t want to know enough to slip into the pearly gates by the skin of his teeth. He wants to know God’s way. He wants to walk God’s way. He wants to walk in God’s truth. He wants to fear God with his entire heart. He doesn’t want heaven so much as he wants God. He wants to walk with God, be with God. That, of course, gives heaven.

There’s only one way to God. God’s way. And God’s way works!

What’s your goal?

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 86.


Click here to take about 15 minutes to listen to the Text Talk conversation between Andrew Roberts and Edwin Crozier sparked by this post.

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What in Psalm 86 prompts or improves your hope in God?

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