John 21: What is That to You? Follow Me!

Today’s reading is John 21.

Peter has been restored, given a role, provided reassurance. But he’s still Peter. So, of course, he’ll obviously do something that needs rebuke. And, he doesn’t let us down.

He can’t just let this interaction stand on its own, take comfort, and follow Jesus. Turning, he sees John and asks, “Lord, what about this man?” (John 21:21, ESV). Peter has just been able to tell Jesus he loves Him three times. He’s just been charged not only with fishing for men, but feeding the sheep of Jesus. Further, he’s been told if he will follow Jesus, he will succeed in his greatest promise. But the specter of competition rises up in Peter’s heart. “What about John? What will he do? Will he go as far as me? Will he suffer as greatly as me? Will he do as much for the Master as me?”

Jesus rebukes Peter, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!” (John 21:22, ESV). Whether John glorifies God by serving Him faithfully on earth until the end of time or he also dies a martyr’s glorifying death, doesn’t change Peter’s responsibility. Peter’s responsibility is not to turn and look at John or any of the other apostles. His responsibility is to follow Jesus.

That is our responsibility as well. This week, we’ve learned even if we fail royally after becoming disciples, we can turn back to Jesus, hang on to Him, and find restoration. We’ve also learned we can still be greatly used by Him. Of course, our first thought was, “But will it be as great as I always wanted? Will it be as great as so-and-so?” Jesus says to us, “If I use them to only provide a cup of cold water for my servants or if I use them to convert kingdoms, what is that to you. You follow me!” And, He is saying, “If I use you to convert kingdoms or only provide water for the one I use to convert kingdoms, what is that to you? You follow me!”

It’s not a competition. We are a team. When we win, I win. When we win, you win. Jesus is our Master. He deserves all glory, honor, praise, and service. Let us just follow Him and be amazed that He uses us for whatever part in the glorious expanse of His kingdom. If we can do nothing more than be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord, that is greater than being a king in the world, but outside of Christ’s camp.

Jesus is beckoning, “Follow me!” Will you?

Tomorrow’s reading is John 21.


Click here to take about 15 minutes to listen to the Text Talk conversation between Andrew Roberts and Edwin Crozier sparked by this post.

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