
Today’s reading is Acts 4.

They had been arrested. They were being threatened by the Council. If there was ever a time to say, “Surely the Lord wouldn’t expect us to deal with this,” this was it. If there was ever a time to say, “We’ll just go along to get along for now, but just try not to get caught again later,” this was it. But they didn’t. What did they say, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.” We must speak. The Council was charging them to be quiet. They could have said, “Yes, sirs,” but then gone and done what they wanted. But they wouldn’t even do that. They let the Council know right up front. “Nope, we’re going to keep on speaking.” Then it was up to the Council what to do with them. If we speak, our friends might not like us. If we speak, our family may disown us. If we speak, we may become unpopular. If we speak, even brethren might get mad at us. I know I’m tempted to say, “God wouldn’t want me to deal with all this negative press.” But Peter and John are staring me in the face. What an example! What Jesus has done is awesome. What Jesus has taught is life. Let’s Speak no matter the response.

Today’s reading is Acts 4.

A Word for Our Kids

Hey kids, I hope you picked up on what I shared with your parents today. Peter and John (and the other apostles) were going to speak no matter the response. They had witnessed the resurrection of Jesus Christ. How could they not talk about it? There are two things I want to point out. First, we are right back to what we have said over and over again. Something happened on that Passover weekend nearly 2000 years ago. Something happened that caused the apostles to be determined to speak no matter how they were threatened. If it isn’t exactly what the Bible says it is, what else could it be? Second, don’t take this to mean we are supposed to be jerks when we speak. I don’t know how many people I’ve seen (especially on social media) take Peter’s words here as permission to be mean, hateful, finger-wagging, and just plain awful. That is not the point. This is not permission to berate and belittle people who don’t believe or who disagree with truth. This is simply an explanation that we can’t help but share with others what we have become convinced is true. After all, what we are convinced is true is so amazing, how could we keep quiet about it? Have you ever talked to anyone about Jesus? Maybe today you could just spend some time talking to your parents or siblings about what you believe about Jesus. That is great practice for learning to talk to others. Jesus is amazing, isn’t He? Why not talk about Him today?


Listen to the podcast episode that goes along with today’s post by clicking here.

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