No Needy Among Them

Today’s reading is Acts 4.

“There was not a needy person among them…”

If we read this too quickly, we may pass right through this profound statement and miss what is really going on. To us today, this can be a quaint picture of togetherness in the first congregation: “Oh, how sweet! They loved each other and cared for each other.” That, however, is only the surface of what is happening. Luke is calling to mind a passage from the Old Testament. In Deuteronomy 15:4, God, describing how He would care for the kingdom of Israel, explained, “But there will be no poor among you.” Then the chapter goes on to explain that the reason there wouldn’t be any poor was not because everyone would own their own home, have their own very productive farm, enjoy lucrative businesses or employment. No, rather, some would be financially blessed and others would not be. However, those who were blessed would share with those who weren’t. In that way, everyone in God’s kingdom would be taken care of, and there would be no needy among them. Regrettably, Israel failed horribly. They were judged not only because they didn’t love God, but because they didn’t love one another. With that in the background, Luke paints the picture of the first congregation. Where the kingdom of Israel failed, Christ’s kingdom succeeded. Those who had the blessings did not horde them as their own, but sold and shared. And among them, the needs of the needy were provided. There were no needy among them. Amazing. How is that working for us today?

Next weeks’s reading is Acts 5.

A Word for Our Kids

Hey kids, what an amazing example the first Christians and first congregation set for us. Caring for one another. Can you imagine selling things you own in order to help another Christian who doesn’t have as much as you? The first Christians sold land and houses. I imagine you don’t own lands or houses. But what about toys? What about clothes? What about dvds/blurays? That doesn’t sound easy, does it? Yet that is how much these Christians loved not only the Lord, but each other. Why did they love each other? Merely because they were in the Lord together. Talk with your parents about this sometime. Do they know any fellow kingdom citizens who are in need? Is there anything you can sell so you can share? What a great conversation for your family to have.


Listen to the podcast episode that goes along with today’s reading by clicking here.

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