Occupied with the Word

Today’s reading is Acts 18.

I want people to find me the way Timothy and Silas found Paul. When they arrived in Corinth, they found him “occupied with the word” (Acts 18:5, ESV). Of course, for Paul, that looked like “testifying to the Jews that the Christ was Jesus.” However, I’m thinking even more broadly than evangelism. I’m told another possible translation for the word represented by “occupied” is “absorbed in.” Wow! What a relationship with the Word. Like a sponge absorbed in water, Paul was absorbed in God’s Word. Because he was absorbed in and occupied with the Word, he couldn’t help talking about it to others. Paul was in the Word. The Word was in Paul. Therefore, the Word is what came out of Paul. I know I have a long way to go, but I want that kind of relationship with the Word. This is one of the reasons what we are doing right here is so important. Being absorbed in and occupied with the Word begins with reading it, reading it regularly, reading it continually. Let’s keep it up.

Tomorrow’s reading is Acts 18.

A Word for Our Kids

Hey kids, don’t wait until you are an adult to be occupied with and absorbed in the Word. I get it. You may not yet be ready to be so absorbed and occupied that you are heading down to the synagogue or marketplace ready to reason with others. However, the only way to get to that point is to spend time reading the Bible. Maybe there are parts you don’t understand when you read them. Don’t worry. Just keep reading. Maybe there are huge sections you have forgotten. Don’t worry. Just keep reading. Read the whole thing. Then read it again. Then read it again. You’ll be amazed at what you start to learn and remember as you keep it up. I’m so glad you are joining us for this reading.


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