A Tree Planted by the Water

Today’s reading is Psalm 1.

Those who delight in God’s Law and meditate on it are blessed because they are like trees planted by streams of water. A tree planted by the water never withers and always bears fruit when it is supposed to because it has a steady supply of nourishment. In this imagery, the meditator is the tree and God’s Law is the water. Just as the stream nourishes, feeds, fills, strengthens, and sustains the tree throughout all seasons, God’s Law nourishes, feeds, fills, strengthens, and sustains the saint who meditates on it continually and consistently throughout all seasons of life. In Philippians 4:8, Paul encourages us to think and meditate on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise. God’s Law is right at the top of the list. When we meditate on these things, God’s peace is with us and will guard our hearts and minds. What a blessing that is. But understand that this imagery should call to mind those very first trees that were planted by the four rivers of Eden. When you are standing among a group of people who make it a habit to meditate on and delight in God’s Law, you are in a renewed Garden. In fact, when you meditate and delight in God’s Law, it is as if you are becoming a tree of life in your own right. What a powerful image. Let’s spend some time thinking about God’s Law today.

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 1.

A Word for Our Kids

Hey kids, those who meditate on God’s Law prosper in everything they do. However, understand what that does and does not mean. It actually doesn’t mean that the meditator can do anything and it will turn out prosperous. For instance, the meditator couldn’t become a drug dealer and be blessed with prosperity at it. Rather, the one whose mind is full of God’s Word and God’s Will and God’s Law will only do those things that bring glory to God. The one whose mind is focused on God’s things will only pursue God’s ends. Just as Jesus says that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied, those who are so full of God that they just long to pursue God will be satisfied. They will prosper in that endeavor. Oh, some of the other aspects of their lives may not seem prosperous to the worldly. They may not make a lot of money. They may not advance up the political ladder of their company. They may not live in the big house in the nice neighborhood. But that isn’t the kind of prospering the psalmist is talking about. The person who meditates on and delights in God’s Law will prosper in doing what God’s Law directs them. And they will be delighted about that because that is what they have come to love.


Click here to listen to the podcast episode that expands on today’s episode!

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