The Lord Laughs

Today’s reading is Psalm 2.

It is not easy to see, but there is an all out war going on. It has been going on since the dawn of time. It began with Satan’s attack in the Garden, twisting and manipulating Eve to abandon the Lord. It continued throughout Israel’s history. It even was being waged as Jesus entered the world and left it. It is still going on today. For the most part, it is a battle going on behind the scenes. On the surface, we just see people making decisions about whether or not to obey God. We just see people making decisions about how to treat people who are obeying God. But underneath that and behind the scenes there is actually a spiritual battle royale being fought over our very souls. It is complete with spiritual kings and princes (see Daniel 10:13), rulers, authorities, cosmic powers, and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (see Ephesians 6:12). When we begin to think about it and realize the truth of the battlefield on which we stand, it can be quite overwhelming. We can begin to wonder how we can ever win. But remember this. Our King sees and surveys the entire battlefield. He knows we are right in the middle of it. And He laughs. He doesn’t laugh at our predicament. He laughs at the enemy’s predicament. He knows how it will end. After all, remember the greatest attack the enemy launched happened on a Friday afternoon 2000 years ago. On Saturday, it looked like the enemy had won. But our King was chortling on His throne, snickering, practically guffawing at the enemy’s coming demise. And on Sunday morning the fullness of God’s counterattack became clear. Our enemy can’t win. Even when our enemy puts our King to death, our enemy can’t win. It doesn’t matter what our enemy plans and even how bad it looks in our life right now, the Lord laughs at his plans and attacks. Hang on to the Lord, I promise, when the whole war is done, we will be laughing together with Him. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 2.

A Word for Our Kids

Hey kids, the Lord laughs. Did you catch that? The Lord has a sense of humor. The Lord also speaks in His wrath. That is, the Lord gets angry. We must never mistakenly believe God is just like us. However, there are similarities. He is a being with emotions. Granted, His emotions do not control Him the way ours sometimes control us. But He does find things funny. He does find things angering. Today, some folks can’t appreciate God’s sense of humor. Even worse, some folks simply can’t imagine an angry God. But both of these things happen. And often they happen toward the exact same thing. He finds it funny when people think they can break free from His rule. As some in their smallness puff out their chest and act like they are going to deal some kind of death blow to God and His rule, He can’t help but laugh. He also finds it angering. By the way, though this isn’t mentioned in this psalm, He also finds it sad. We serve a God who feels. We serve a God who emotes. But let us remember in all of this, we must serve this God.


Click here to listen to the podcast episode that expands on this post!

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