The Lord’s Voice at Creation

Today’s reading is Psalm 29.

While Psalm 29:3-9 tracks a storm that starts on the Mediterranean, crushes Mt. Hermon in the north, moves across Israel, and then devastates Kadesh in the south, the various vignettes within bring Bible history to mind. In fact, vss. 3-4 take us all the way back to creation. Where did the Spirit of God hover? On the waters. And what happened over those waters? For seven days, God’s voice was heard bringing all things into existence. In that creative process, He divided waters from waters, making sea and sky. He gathered waters, allowing dry land to appear. He populated the waters, both above and below. How did He do it? He did it by speaking it into existence. He used His voice. As we track with creation, we notice something about the voice of God. Everything to which He spoke listened and obeyed His voice. That is, until Adam instead listened to the voice of Eve (see Genesis 3:17; it’s the same word for “voice”). We know how badly that went. And then Abraham listened to the voice of Sarai (see Genesis 16:2). That caused all kinds of problems. Finally, according to Genesis 22:18 and 26:5 (passages which remember Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac at God’s command), Abraham listened to the Lord’s voice. Because he did, God created a nation from Abraham’s descendants. Through that nation, God created a plan for blessing us all. That is the voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord is truly powerful. It is truly majestic. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 29.


Click here to take about 15 minutes to listen to the Text Talk podcast conversation between Andrew Roberts and Edwin Crozier sparked by this post.

A Word for Our Kids

Hey kids, I talked with your parents about creation. There is another great moment in Bible history in which God thundered over the waters. We see it in Exodus 14-15. That was when Israel had left Egypt, but then found themselves between Pharaoh’s army and the Red Sea. The people thought the jig was up. They were certain death was at hand. They may have even felt like they were in the valley of the shadow of death. What did the Lord do? Read that song Moses sang in Exodus 15. It’s amazing. He did wondrous, mighty, powerful, majestic things. He piled up the waters and allowed Israel to walk through on dry land. Then He brought the waters back down on Pharaoh’s army and sent them to the depths of the waters. Because God was powerful over the waters, storming against the enemy, Israel was able to pass through to peace and safety. This is the same God we serve today. He knows how to judge and destroy the enemies while at the same time saving His own people. And isn’t that the kind of God we need? Praise the Lord!

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