Who is the Lord?

Today’s reading is Psalm 33.

As we learned yesterday, the storm is thundering, the battle is raging, survival is in doubt. Yet, Psalm 33 praises and worships the Lord. Why? Who is this Lord that He should be praised?

First of all, He exists. Psalm 33 removes the notion of naturalism and materialism. It explains that something, or rather Someone, exists beyond what we can feel and touch. Everything that has a beginning has a cause. The heavens, the sea, the land have a beginning. Their cause? The Creator Lord.

Second, He is distinct. Psalm 33 destroys the notion of pantheism, that God is actually the sum total of all things in existence. Rather, there is creation and there is Creator. He is separate and distinct. We don’t search for the divine within us as if we are somehow God or part of God. We listen for His Word that directs us just as His Word brought everything into existence.

Third, He is invisible. Psalm 33 abandons the idolatrous and pagan notion that we must see some representative of God. The hosts of the heavens, the sun, moon, stars are not God or gods; they are creations of God. They aren’t representatives of God; they are the handiwork of God. I do not see God when I look to the hosts of heaven. However, I see evidence for the God I cannot see. The star is not God, but the star could not exist without God.

Fourth, He is involved. Psalm 33 rules out the notion of Deism, that God started the whole universe on some kind of perpetual motion course and is now just watching it play out. No. He actually gets involved in the plans of the nations and peoples. He frustrates those that are against His will. He bestows love on those that go along with His will. He is involved.

Fifth, He is unparalleled. Psalm 33 overthrows the notion of a weak God. No one and no thing can overpower God. In fact, no one and no thing that has any power has it apart from God. We do not have to worry that God is going to lose. He has no equal. He has no true rival.

Sixth, He is love. Psalm 33 squashes the notion that God is morally defective. His steadfast love is seen throughout the world. But this is not because everything that happens to everyone is enjoyable. This is because God is working out His loving plan through everything that happens to everyone.

Seventh, He is discerning. Psalm 33 obliterates the notion that God is indiscriminate. Yes, He loves all people. Yes, He invites all people. But He does not welcome all people. He does not receive all people. Rather, He delivers those who put their hope and their trust in Him. Those who ignore His pleas or twist His Word and Will to their own pleasure will not receive the blessings of His steadfast love. But those who trust, fear, and love Him will be blessed by Him.

No doubt, there is so much more we could say about the Lord. We could probably even say more from Psalm 33. But this is surely enough for us to see a God worthy of praise and worship. Don’t you think?

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 33.


Click here to take about 15 minutes to listen to the Text Talk conversation between Andrew Roberts and Edwin Crozier sparked by this post.

A Word for Our Kids

Hey kids, I shared with your parents some fantastic facets of God’s nature as seen from Psalm 33. You may want to go back and read those if your parents didn’t read them to you.

However, for you, I’d really like you to notice Psalm 33:4-5:

For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness.
He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord.

Psalm 33:4-5

I can’t believe God is amazing, but then think His Word is suspect. If God is amazing, His Word is amazing. The One who is truly holy, won’t lie. The One who is truly loving, won’t dupe. The One who truly blesses, won’t withhold.

Whatever the Lord does and says, even when I can’t understand it right now, is upright and faithful. He loves righteousness and justice, therefore, He will speak and act with righteousness and justice. Everywhere I go in the world, I will find the Lord’s steadfast love.

Now, to be perfectly honest, because I can’t always fathom God’s plans or goals, some moments don’t feel all that upright, amazing, holy, just, and loving. However, I can trust God that when we are done, the love will be clear. The plan will be amazing. So hang on. Don’t let go.

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