Stay Married

Today’s reading is Matthew 19.

It breaks my heart that most people today, even those raised in churches, do not hear or closely read Matthew 19:1-9 until it is too late. It is true, there is a larger lesson about humility and authority demonstrated by Jesus’s teaching on marriage in this passage. However, we must not miss Jesus’s pointed teaching on marriage here.

When two people are lawfully married, they are joined together by God. Man is not free to separate them for just any cause. Sadly, men and women have ended marriages with impunity for generations. But Jesus is pretty clear. If you divorce your spouse and marry someone else, you are committing adultery. This is not the law for Christian marriage. This is just God’s law for marriage. Marriage was instituted by God, not by civil governments. While we do follow the rules of civil governments to legally ratify or dissolve marriages, the ultimate law for marriage is God’s, not man’s. A civil government may declare a separation or a divorce, but God’s law still binds one man to one woman for life. If they marry anyone else, they are committing adultery.

Jesus does provide one exception. If someone puts their spouse away for the cause of sexual immorality and then marries someone else, it is not adultery.

Keep in mind, the original question Jesus was asked was, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” Jesus’s answer is essentially, “No.” In other words, Jesus is telling you, “Stay married.” “But, my husband does such and such.” “Stay married.” “But if you only knew how my wife behaves.” “Stay married.”

Yes, I am well aware there are some pretty awful marriage situations. They break my heart. What is needed in those marriages is repentance and submission to Jesus, not further law-breaking. No, this teaching does not mean a person has to just sit there and take being physically abused. The options are not merely 1) Be abused and 2) Get divorced. That view is a false dilemma. Regrettably, it is not in the purview of a post such as this to dig into all the ins and outs of every possible situation and how to respond. But know simply this, Jesus did make one thing clear. Divorce is not the proper response.

Please, pass this on to as many people as you know. It breaks my heart to watch people abandon the gospel of Jesus because they discover His teaching about marriage too late. But be thankful for this teaching because this teaching is the mirror for how Jesus loves and is committed to His bride. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow’s reading is Matthew 19.


Click here to take about 15 minutes to listen to the Text Talk conversation between Andrew Roberts and Edwin Crozier sparked by this post.

Discuss the Following Questions with Your Family

  1. What are your initial reactions to the chapter and the written devo above?
  2. If you have never been married, why is it important to learn this lesson about marriage now?
  3. If you are married, why is it important to learn this lesson about marriage now?
  4. If you have been divorced, why is it important to learn this lesson about marriage now?
  5. What do you think we should pray for and about in light of this chapter and today’s post?

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