How Will Your Spiritual Garden Grow?

Today’s reading is Galatians 6.

In Galatians 5, we learned about the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. If we rely on the flesh, the works of the flesh is what we’ll end up with, even if we are trying really, really hard to be righteous. Just ask Abraham and Sarah what happens when you try to accomplish God’s plans by relying on human understanding and strength. We cannot get the fruit of the Spirit while relying on the flesh. That is, we will not white-knuckle our way into love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Those are not the fruit of the flesh, they are the fruit of the Spirit. They are not the fruit of our trying really, really hard. In other words, those will not grow in our spiritual garden unless the Spirit grows them.

However, we must not take that to mean our job is to sit idly by waiting on the Spirit to add love, joy, peace, etc. Rather, in Galatians 6:7-8, we learn we can sow to the flesh and sow to the Spirit. If we sow to the flesh, we’ll reap corruption. If we sow to the Spirit, we’ll reap eternal life.

Honestly, it’s a great deal like farming. Try as I might, I cannot produce an ear of corn or a stalk of celery. I can’t. If God doesn’t do His thing, Mary will never grow silverbells, cockleshells, or pretty maids all in a row. However, I can plant seeds, bulbs, cuttings which God will grow into the various plants, fruits, vegetables I want in my garden. In like manner, I must plant seeds, bulbs, cuttings which the Spirit will grow into His fruit in my life. Paul just calls it “doing good” in this context. However, as we study and grow in God’s Word, we can learn seeds we must plant, digging into the Spirit’s teaching and direction, responding in faith to the promises He has revealed. Spend time in God’s Word seeking out the kind of seeds which grow into love, joy, peace, and so forth. In fact, be aware, spending time in God’s Word is one of those very seeds to be planted.

Rest assured, the Spirit will do His growing. Let’s make sure today we do our planting.

Tomorrow’s reading is Galatians 6.


Click here to take about 15 minutes to listen to the Text Talk conversation between Andrew Roberts and Edwin Crozier sparked by this post.

Discuss the Following Questions with Your Family

  1. What are your initial reactions to the chapter and the written devo above?
  2. Why is it so tempting to go to the two extremes either of trying to grow the Spirit’s fruit by our own strength or of sitting around doing nothing waiting on God to get the job done without any effort from us?
  3. What kinds of “seeds” will grow the fruit of the Spirit? (think of them as a group, but also think of each individually)
  4. How are the Spirit’s fruit connected to eternal life?
  5. What do you think we should pray for and about in light of this chapter and today’s post?

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