Revelation 14: Those Redeemed from the Earth

Today’s reading is Revelation 14.

The Genuine Article

Once again, ignore the chapter break. Revelation 13 ended with the false prophet/land beast sealing those who worshiped the beast. The seal, however, was a mediocre copy of a greater work.

As if God was afraid John had forgotten what the false prophet was copying, He reminded John by bringing the sealed 144,000 back into the vision. We first saw these sealed in Revelation 7:1-8. According to Revelation 9:4, seal was for protection.

A Kingdom of Priests

In Exodus 28:36-38; 39:30-31; and Leviticus 8:9, God had the high priest wear a nameplate on his headgear with engraved declaration “Holy to the LORD.” God’s seal in Revelation 14 takes it to another level. Here, God’s name is not on a nameplate worn on occasions. It is a seal on the forehead, always on display.

In Exodus 19:5-6, God declared, “If you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the people of Israel” (ESV). That is, the entirety of Israel was to be as if their forehead declared “Holy to the LORD.” Israel never pulled this off. In 1 Peter 1:16, Peter declares, quoting from Leviticus, we Christians are to be holy because our Lord is holy. In 1 Peter 2:5, he says we “like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood” (ESV). Then in 1 Peter 2:9, he says we “are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession” (ESV). What Israel failed to accomplish, Jesus is making His kingdom into.

John picks up this theme. In Revelation 1:5-6, he writes of Jesus, “To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father…” (ESV). Then in Revelation 5:9-10, he says the Lamb is “worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth” (ESV). Please note, in this last verse, the word translated “ransomed” in the ESV is the same as “redeemed” in Revelation 14:4.

Who are these people with a permanent name plate of the Lamb and the LORD on their foreheads? They are the ransomed, redeemed kingdom of priests.


For those who take the 144,000 to be a literal group of people chosen for some special eternal purpose, the description of them is a real struggle. James tells us no one can tame the tongue (James 3:8), but we are to believe 144,000 people never, ever in their whole lives told even the smallest, whitest of lies? Additionally, this redeemed group only includes men. Are we truly to believe no women make it into the redeemed from the earth? Further, none of them have been married, but are all virgins. Are we to take this literally?

First, recall, just as John was told in Revelation 5:4 that a Lion had conquered, but then turned and saw a Lamb, in Revelation 7:3-8, he hears about 144,000 sealed from the twelve tribes of Israel, but then turns to see a great multitude no one could number from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages. Let us not forget, we were already told in Revelation 5:9, the redeemed were not only from Israel but from every tribe and language and nation and people. In other words, we are not to take even the number and nationality literally. Rather, those are part of the picture to make a point. The number represents completeness and fulness (12 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 12). That is, God redeems everyone He is supposed to. He knows those who are His. The nationality carries on the picture of being God’s elect nation.

This group is pictured as virgins, for two reasons. First, just as the seal on the forehead intensifies the nameplate on the high priest, the picture of virginity intensifies preparation to meet God on His mountain. In Exodus 19, when the people were to prepare to meet God at Mt. Sinai, they were to wash their garments and avoid going near their wives for three days. In Revelation 14, the redeemed have met the Lamb on Mt. Zion. They are pictured not as avoiding sex for three days, but for their entire lives. The point is not sex is bad even in marriage and being abstinent for life is better than being married. The point is a group of people completely prepared to meet God on His mountain.

Second, this recalls the particular messages to Pergamum and Thyatira in Revelation 2:12-29. In both letters, they were warned against sexual immorality, especially as it connected with idolatry. Idolatry itself is often scripturally presented as spiritual immorality and adultery. The redeemed 144,000 are those who devote themselves to the Lord God and refrain from idolatry and immorality.

Finally, there is no lie in their mouths. That is, unlike the Balaams, Jezebels, and Nicolaitans, they speak truth. They let the truth set them free. They are redeemed by truth. They are not of the dragon who is the father of lies. They are of God the Father of peace, truth, mercy, love.


The undefiled part of the visionary description may cause us to miss another aspect of the description. The true preparatory work is redemption. As Revelation 5:9 explains, these were ransomed or redeemed by the blood of the Lamb that was slain. Though not specifically mentioned in Revelation 14, they have had their garments washed white in the scarlet blood of the slain lamb (Revelation 7:14). Another point from the Exodus 19 picture of preparing to meet God on His mountain.

In other words, these are not undefiled because they themselves lived completely undefiled lives. Rather, they turned to Jesus. His sacrifice cleansed them from whatever defilement they may have had so that they are presented cleansed, blameless, spotless, without wrinkle or reproach (see also Ephesians 5:25-27).

Perhaps, The Most Important Part

All this look at visionary meaning may cause us to miss the part that should most direct our steps as disciples even today.

It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes (Revelation 14:4b, ESV).

This is the meaning of discipleship. The redeemed didn’t just abide by some rules about sexual purity and verbal honesty. They followed Jesus everywhere He went. Again, I know this isn’t literal. Jesus had 12 apostles. But this group pictured as a multitude numbered at 12 x 1000 x 12. That is, the number of the apostles and of the tribes multiplied by completeness to the third power is a picture of those whom the apostles were supposed to go into all the world making (see Matthew 28:19-20). They are disciples. They are people who like the apostles follow Jesus around, listen to Him, learn from Him, obey Him.

This is our key for being part of the redeemed, the sealed, the protected, the victorious. We must open up our Bibles, find Jesus within (see John 5:39-40), and follow Him wherever He goes.

We may think we can’t possibly pull that off for the rest of our lives. Maybe not. How about we just start with today? Can we help you follow Jesus wherever He is going today? If so, let us know in the comments below.

Tomorrow’s reading is Revelation 14.


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