Jesus: Son of Mary

Today’s reading is Matthew 1.

Jesus was not the son of Joseph. In fact, the entire genealogy performs a bit of a switcheroo right there at the end. This genealogy leads from Abraham to Joseph. What is Joseph’s claim to fame? He married the mother of Jesus. This is not a biological genealogy of Jesus, but a legal one.

Jesus was not fathered by Joseph. He was mothered by Mary. He was fathered by the Holy Spirit. When Joseph discovered his betrothed was pregnant before they were married, he initially thought the natural thought: she must have committed sexual immorality. However, in a dream, the angel of the Lord revealed the truth to him. It makes me wonder if Mary had tried to explain to him (see Luke 1:26-38), but he didn’t believe her. Could you blame him? But the angel in his dream convinced him.

Please, understand what a big deal this is. Sadly, in our modern day, sexual immorality has become so accepted, we think nothing of a man marrying a woman who is carrying a child not his own. But in Joseph’s day, this meant a cloud of scandal and controversy was going to be over his family from that moment onward. He knew how far-fetched his story would sound to the rest of the family and neighbors. God didn’t give such a dream to everyone in Joseph’s family, to all of Joseph’s neighbors, to the nation of Israel. Not only would Mary be tainted in the public opinion, Joseph would, this baby would. In fact, all of his own biological children would be tainted by this story in the public opinion. John 8:41 suggests the reputation of being born of sexual immorality followed Jesus even into His public career.

This is one of those points about Jesus reminding us we can’t just ignore Jesus. We have to deal with Him. We have to form an opinion. He is either what He said He was, Son of God, or He was something else. Something convinced Joseph to go against all convention and social acceptance and marry this woman carrying a child who wasn’t his. What kind of scenario in his day would produce that?

Jesus was the son of Mary, not Joseph. What must that portend about this Man whose story we are starting to read? Matthew gives us a clue. Jesus is not just the son of Mary, He is the son of prophecy and promise. He is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s ancient promise in Isaiah 7:14. A virgin has a child. Deliverance is coming.

Praise the Lord!

Next week’s reading is Matthew 2.


Click here to take about 15 minutes to listen to the Text Talk conversation between Andrew Roberts and Edwin Crozier sparked by this post.

Discuss the Following Questions with Your Family

  1. What are your initial reactions to the chapter and the written devo above?
  2. How would you have reacted at the news of Mary’s pregnancy if you had been Joseph?
  3. What kind of evidence would it have taken to prove to you that Mary was telling the truth about being with child by the Holy Spirit?
  4. What does it tell you about Joseph that he did as the angel commanded?
  5. What do you think we should pray for and about in light of this chapter and today’s post?

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