Psalm 63: Admonition for the Dry Times

Today’s reading is Psalm 63.

While the ESV begins Psalm 63 saying, “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you,” many others claim “early I seek you.” The word translated “earnestly” has a root in common with “daybreak” or “dawn.” It makes sense, the earnest and diligent get started early. We don’t see the earnest and diligent procrastinating in bed all day. They get up and get after it. Those who are earnestly and diligently seeking God will seek God early. They won’t wait until late in the day to spend time with God, praying, meditating, reading.

At the same time, notice vs. 6: “When I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night.” David not only prayed and sought God early in the morning. He prayed and sought God late into the night. Perhaps he is lying awake. Perhaps he has awakened in the middle of the night. Perhaps he is purposely staying up in the night to be vigilant and watchful in his relationship with God.

Either way, I am admonished to keep praying in the dry times. Pray in the morning. Pray in the night time. Pray all the time.

Have you prayed today?

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 63.


Click here to take about 15 minutes to listen to the Text Talk conversation between Andrew Roberts and Edwin Crozier sparked by this post.

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How does Psalm 63 admonish you, especially for the dry times?

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