The Lord Will Keep Us

Today’s reading is Psalm 12.

Having explained his dire circumstances, being completely surrounded by wicked, vile, ungodly, disloyal liars and blasphemers, David explains his only hope: the Lord! David knows he will not be able to respond to all the liars. He knows he will not be able to deliver himself from all the blasphemies. Only the Lord can do that. And so his prayer is that the Lord will cut off the flattering lips and cut out the tongues that make great, arrogant boasts (vs. 3). After all, as he says in vs. 7, the Lord is the one who keeps us and protects us. The Lord is the one who guards us from “this” generation. And in this, though David’s words are pretty violent, we actually see how we are to respond when surrounded by lies and liars. His words were violent, but his action was prayer. We don’t go around trying to cut off the lips and cut out the tongues of liars and blasphemers no matter how much they hurt us. In fact, we don’t even have to respond to every lie we hear spoken against us (Jesus didn’t; He was silent before His accusers). Rather, we can rejoice (see Matthew 5:11-12) and we take our plea to the Lord. He knows the right way to address the liars around us. He knows the right way and the right time to judge the blasphemers. Yes, there are liars. Yes, their words will hurt us. Yes, it will seem at times like God is just letting the lies and liars triumph. But He isn’t. He will keep us. He will deliver us. Trust Him always!

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 12.

A Word for Our Kids

Hey kids, God does not approve of liars. The devil wants you to believe that lying is better for you. He wants you to decide that in those moments when lying will get you what you want, it is the path to take. And let’s face it. Sometimes, telling the truth is harder. Sometimes, lying does offer the easy escape. But God will judge liars. Don’t think to yourself, “I’m not all that bad. It’s not like I killed anyone or anything.” Our God is truth. He expects us to walk in truth and speak truth. Determine today to speak truth and avoid lies.


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