David’s Victory Song!

Today’s reading is Psalm 29.

I hope when you read the title of this post, it prompted you to think, “Wait a minute! Didn’t we already have this post? Didn’t we talk about this last week?” Yes, we had a very similar post last week. You may want to go back and read David’s song in Psalm 28:8-9. It is actually quite similar to Psalm 29:10-11. Both highlight how God is the strength of His people. In fact, it prompts me to see that Psalm 29 may well be the final psalm in the series we’ve been tracking since Psalm 23. Throughout these psalms, David wants to dwell in the Lord’s house, but he is afraid. To dwell in the Lord’s house, you have to have a pure heart and clean hands. David, however, is a sinner. It’s a good thing David’s God is merciful and gracious, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. But David seems to have a fear. Will God remember him according to God’s own steadfast love and faithfulness or according to the works of David’s hands? Will God draw David into His dwelling place or drag him off with the wicked in judgment? In Psalm 28:6-7, David declared God heard his plea. God had responded. He was making a distinction between David and the wicked. And what do we get next? Psalm 29. It is a song that exults, glorifies, and magnifies God. It’s a song that causes everyone in God’s temple, God’s house, the place where David wants to dwell, to cry out, “Glory.” But then notice this. We’ve been tracking the story of a storm. And in Psalm 29:10, David tells us which storm he’s actually talking about. The storm that shook the earth and covered the mountains in the day’s of Noah. The Lord sat enthroned over the “flood.” The only other place that word translated “flood” is used is in Genesis 6-11 (and we find it there 12 times). Do you know what the flood was? It was the classic example of God’s ability to judge the wicked, sweeping them away, while saving the people who trusted in the Lord. And that Lord still sits enthroned. And because He is still King, we know this: God knows those who are His. What an amazing God and King we serve! Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 29.


Click here to take about 15 minutes to listen to the Text Talk podcast conversation between Andrew Roberts and Edwin Crozier sparked by this post.

A Word for Our Kids

Hey kids, I have to say it. The Bible is not a book of children’s stories. Well…at least not what we commonly consider children’s stories. It is a book whose stories you need to learn from childhood. However, for some reason, we parents often want to gloss over parts of those stories when we teach them to you. For instance, Noah’s flood becomes just a neat story about a guy on a boat with lots of smiling animals sticking their heads out of the windows. But you actually need to know that the flood was God’s judgment on a world of sinners. It did more than make mountains skip, cause deer to give premature birth, peel the bark of the trees. It killed every human on earth except Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives. Why? Because all of mankind was only thinking evil continually. The people of the earth had abandoned God. They were perverting His ways and defiling His world. David is remembering that event in Psalm 29:10. He knows Yahweh was the King over that flood. He knows Yahweh is still the same King. He knows Yahweh will give strength to His people. He knows Yahweh will bless His people with peace. But he also knows Yahweh does that by judging those who refuse to be His people. Don’t miss the point. It is great to have a God who knows you are His servant and child. But it is terrifying to have a God who knows you are not. Which one will you be?

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