Let the Will of the Lord be Done

Today’s reading is Acts 21.

“Let the will of the Lord be done.” I say that, or phrases like that. “If the Lord wills.” “Lord willing.” As I read it in Acts 21:14, I am struck. When I say those phrases, do I mean them? Or are they just Christian filler? Regrettably, I think I often say those kinds of phrases with the notion that whatever it is I want is what the Lord wills. What if I was certain the Lord’s will was the opposite of mine? Would I still say it? The amazing thing in this context is the Lord’s will ended up being different than anyone expected or wanted. The brothers and sisters didn’t want Paul arrested or imprisoned. However, it was the Lord’s will that this happen because by his arrest, Paul would end up accomplishing great things for the kingdom and having opportunity to talk to “great” men about the gospel. On the other hand, I really do believe Paul thought the Lord’s will was for him to die in Jerusalem. And as odd as it sounds to us, for Paul, that was a great opportunity. It was walking the same road his King walked, following in His footsteps, being the ultimate imitator of Jesus. Yet, that wasn’t the Lord’s will either. Lord willing, today I will live my life and conduct my business in a way that brings glory to Him. If the Lord does not will that, then may I die in such a way that brings glory to Him. Whether by life or by death, may Christ be honored in me. I know the Lord wants that.

Tomorrow’s reading is Acts 21.

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