Psalm 64: Vengeance is the Lord’s

Today’s reading is Psalm 64.

Of course, as king of a geo-political nation, David often warred against his military and political enemies. As God’s instrument of judgment, he often fired the very arrows of God against God’s enemies.

However, in the psalms, when David speaks of enemies, what does he do about them? He prays. “Hear my complaint, Lord,” David says. The enemy is attacking and David seeks God for protection. If the enemy is going to be attacked, God will do the shooting. God often turns the weapons of the enemy against themselves. Their own slander turns against them. Or sometimes they are hung on their own gallows or thrown in their own lions’ den.

I don’t know what enemies you face. However, remember who actually judges. Remember who takes charge of vengeance. Remember who knows enough to always do right.

Do the Lord’s will. Take your complaints to Him in prayer. He is big enough to handle them. Then patiently wait on the Lord to do right. If vengeance and judgment are needed, He’ll take care of them.

Of course, don’t be like Jonah. If forgiveness brings more glory to God, submit to His great mercy as well. After all, there is someone out there you’ve hurt who needs to submit to God’s forgiveness of you.

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 64.


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